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Monday, 22 March 2010 update 21th March 2010 Bicycling/Cosmopolitan/Net/HowDesign/OutdoorPhotographer

This week ada bbrp memang back by demand seperti LFI/Allure/Outdoor photographer/PcGamer/American Photo dan more….

Juga ada bbrp majalah yg specials! Drop price.. untuk lebih menjangkau segmen2 yang price sensitive, sekarang jangan kuatir.
We are going to be leader in import magazines distribution in Indonesia. Doain aja ya.. 

So here’s for this week update:

Promo: Barter promo, untuk yang mau mempromosikan produk/ jasa/ samples produk anda, bisa kiriman samples, atau brochures, leaflets, company profile
Anda, dan kami bagikan kepada kurang lebih 1000 per bulan. Harga yang pasti nya murah dan negotiable!
Tukeran link website juga bisa loh. Don’t hesitate to call us: 081 64200058 or email/ ym/ fb:
Jd ga usah bingung mau mencari alternative promosi. Info to us for a bargain!

Web page to see the cover pics:

for other magz that we have please check our web at:

Here’s the enclosed update 21th March 2010 Bicycling/Cosmopolitan/Net/HowDesign/OutdoorPhotographer

New-Comers-21-March-Updated (week 12)
Ameican Style//Spring Rp 50000.00
4Wheel&Offroad//4 (Specials!) Rp 35000.00
Allure//3 (Specials!) Rp 40000.00
Ameircan Rider//4 Rp 50000.00
AmericanPhoto//3-4 (Best Seller!) Rp 50000.00
Australian Photography//3 Rp 50000.00
Bazaar Harpers/UK//3 Rp 50000.00
Barnett//3 (Limited!) Rp 50000.00
BetterHome & Garden/Aus//3 Rp 50000.00
Bassplayer//3 Rp 45000.00
Bicyling//4 (2010 buyers Guide) Rp 50000.00
Bliss+DVD preview New Moon//4 Rp 50000.00
CommunicationArts//3-4 Rp 100000.00
BlindSpot//#41 (Limited!) Rp 50000.00
CNTraveler//3 (Limited!) Rp 50000.00
Cosmopolitan/US//4 Rp 45000.00
DesignerKnitting//Spring-Summer Rp 45000.00
Creation//Winter2010 Rp 30000.00
DigitalPhoto+CD//4 Rp 60000.00
Dive//2 Rp 50000.00
CycleWorld//2 (Specials!) Rp 30000.00
Elle Decor//4 Rp 50000.00
CycleWorld//3 (Specials!) Rp 30000.00
Esquire/UK//4 Rp 50000.00
DirtRag//#147 (Limited!) Rp 50000.00
DirtRider//3 Rp 40000.00
Good Houseeping//4 Rp 50000.00
HBR//3 Rp 75000.00
Downbeat//3 Rp 40000.00
Elle/US//3 (Specials!) Rp 40000.00
LFI//1-2009 Rp 60000.00
LFI//2-2009 Rp 60000.00
EuropeanCar//4 (Limited!) Rp 45000.00
LFI//3-2008 Rp 60000.00
LFI//4-2008 Rp 60000.00
LF//8-2008 Rp 60000.00
MBR//3 Rp 60000.00
ModelRail//#164-3 Rp 50000.00
Guiltar Player//4 Rp 45000.00
Modified//4 (Specials) Rp 35000.00
Net+CD//#199-3 Rp 60000.00
Outdoor Photographer//3 (Specials) Rp 35000.00
Paper Craft/us//1-2 Rp 40000.00
How//3-4 (Design Annual) Rp 100000.00
Performance Bike//4 Rp 50000.00
Photography Monthly//2 Rp 60000.00
Photo Technique Rp 45000.00
PopularMechanic//4 Rp 45000.00
NewYork//15Feb (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
NY//1feb (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
Proffesional Photographer//1 Rp 60000.00
NY//8Feb (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
Proffesional Photographer//2 Rp 60000.00
Revolver//3-4 Rp 45000.00
RC Car Acion//4 Rp 45000.00
Rolling Stones//3 Rp 50000.00
Seventeen//4 (Specials!) Rp 40000.00
Shutterbug//4 (Specials!) Rp 35000.00
Slam/US//4 Rp 45000.00
Super/Street//4 (Specials!) Rp 35000.00
The New York// 13-22Feb Rp 25000.00
The New Yorker//8Mar2010 Rp 30000.00
The Bible Of BikeTest//1 (Back by demand) Rp 50000.00
DiscoveryChannelMagazine3 Rp 50000.00
HondaTuning4 (Specials!) Rp 35000.00
PaperCraft/US//3-4 Rp 40000.00
LFI//1234-2008 Rp 200000.00
LFI//12345678-2009 Rp 400000.00
LFI//3-2009 Rp 60000.00
LFI//3-2008 Rp 60000.00
LFI//4-2009 Rp 60000.00
LFI//5-2009 Rp 60000.00
Self//3 (Limited) Rp 50000.00
LFI//6-2009 Rp 60000.00
LFI//7-2009 Rp 60000.00
LFI//8-2009 Rp 60000.00
PC Gamer//#199-4 Rp 50000.00
TheHorse//12-1 (Back by Demand) Rp 50000.00
PopPhoto//3 (Specials!) Rp 35000.00
TheNewYorker//15-22Feb (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
TheNewYorker//15-22Febb (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
TheNyker//1-3 (New to WM) Rp 30000.00
ToyHobby//4 (New Price) Rp 40000.00
TransMx//1 (New Price) Rp 30000.00
TransMX//3 (New Price) Rp 30000.00
TransSkate//3 (New Price) Rp 30000.00
VanityFair//3 (Specials!) Rp 40000.00
Versus//#8 (Indo best Design Magz) Rp 55000.00
Vogue/US//3 (New Price) Rp 40000.00
W//3 (Megan Fox) Rp 40000.00
WOW//#25Jan 10 Rp 30000.00

Kindly wait for the orders, and we’ll ship your magz thereafter.

Its your magz specialized.
For more info please PM at

Hurry before the stocks last!!

08164 200058 (sms ur magz order)
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