Apa kabar semua nya? Waduh rasanya punya anak sakit, pusing nya 7 keliling, serasa pengen coba kalem, susah juga kalau keadaaan si kecil masih demam tinggi.
Tau punya tau, ternyata DB, baru aja keluar dari RS per minggu kemarin. Wuuihhhh bosen banget, apalagi istri ya didalam kamar terus ga keluar2 bangunan rumah sakit?
Secara nemenin anak terus, sembari baca2 majalah, hp, koran, tv, dvd + kuatirnya itu loh.
Dari pemikiran saya diatas, secara kita yg sudah punya keluarga pasti memiliki pemikiran demikian, gimana dengan bisnis kita yang baru seumur jagung? Alias masih baru, perasaan
Cemas, takut, pasti ada dong. Tapi sejalan dengan itu, pastikan do the best! Lakukan yang terbaik. And God will do the rest! Percaya ga percaya, harus percaya!
Hahahhaha so this week magazines banyak juga deh.. ada Nylon, allure, Photoshop Creative (limited), Elle Us, Elle UK, Bazaar Us, Esquire, GQ (si keren Johnny Deep)
Web page to see the cover pics:
for other magz that we have please check our web at:
Here’s the enclosed warungmajalah.com update 7th Feb… Nylon, allure, Photoshop Creative (limited), Elle Us, Elle UK, Bazaar Us, Esquire, GQ (si keren Johnny Deep)
New-Comers-7-Feb-Updated (week 6)
Allure//2 (Beyonce) Rp 45000.00
Bass Player//2 Rp 45000.00
Bazaar/UK//2 Rp 50000.00
Bazaar/US//2 Rp 50000.00
BluePrint//2 Rp 50000.00
Communication Arts//1-2 (Advertising Annual) Rp 100000.00
Cosmo/UK//2 Rp 50000.00
Cosmopolitan/US//2 Rp 50000.00
DirtRider//3 Rp 45000.00
Euro Tuner//3 Rp 45000.00
GQ//2 (Johnny Deep) Rp 50000.00
Guitar Player//3 (George Benson) Rp 45000.00
Hot Bike//3 Rp 50000.00
Honda Tuning//2 Rp 50000.00
MBR//9 (Last Stock!) Rp 50000.00
Mixmag+CD//2 Rp 60000.00
Musclemagz//3 Rp 50000.00
Nylon//11 (last issue!) Rp 50000.00
Nylon/US//2 Rp 50000.00
Photoshop Creative+CD//#57 Rp 70000.00
Self//2 (Jessica Alba) Rp 50000.00
Slam//3 Rp 50000.00
Wired//2 Rp 50000.00
XRcCars//2 Rp 50000.00
New-Comers-1-Feb-Updated (week 5)
ClassicTruck//3 Rp 45000.00
BirdTalk//1 Rp 40000.00
Counrtryliving//2 Rp 50000.00
CreationIllutstration//Fall2009 (New to WM) Rp 50000.00
Cuisine&WineAsia//1-2 (New to WM) Rp 50000.00
DownBeat//1 (Collector Issue) Rp 50000.00
Elle/UK//2 (N. Portman) Rp 50000.00
Elle/US//2 (Jlo is Soo back) Rp 50000.00
Esquire//2 (People That Matter) Rp 50000.00
FastFours//1 Rp 50000.00
Flex//3 Rp 50000.00
GoodHousekeeping//2 Rp 50000.00
MakeUpArtist//#82 (The Wolfman- New to WM) Rp 50000.00
Koi/USA//11-12 Rp 50000.00
Lowrider//3 (Vegas 09 Showoff) Rp 45000.00
Marketeers//2 (Id Magz) Rp 25000.00
MaxPower//2 Rp 50000.00
Metropolis//1 Rp 60000.00
MaximumPC//2 Rp 50000.00
MotorCruiser//2 (2010 buyers guide) Rp 45000.00
NailsMagazine//2 (Blogging Bagics) Rp 50000.00
Performance Bike/UK//2 Rp 50000.00
PDN//1 (Photography Now) Rp 60000.00
Photolife//2-3 (On Specials!) Rp 35000.00
Picture//1-2 (On Specials!) Rp 35000.00
PopularHotRodding//3 Rp 50000.00
PopularPhotography//2 (On Special) Rp 35000.00
ProffesionalPhotographer//12 (How to win Competition) Rp 60000.00
Rangefinder//1 (B&W now & then) Rp 60000.00
Shutterbugs//2 (on Specials! Architectural Photographers' Craft) Rp 35000.00
Skateboarder//3 Rp 40000.00
Stereophile//2 Rp 45000.00
Superbike/Uk//1 Rp 50000.00
TheHorse//1 Rp 50000.00
TransworldMotorcross//2 Rp 45000.00
Transworld Skate//2 Rp 45000.00
W//2 (Rated Chic- Rihanna) Rp 50000.00
Kindly wait for the orders, and we’ll ship your magz thereafter.
Its your magz specialized.
For more info please PM at
Hurry before the stocks last!!
08164 200058 (sms ur magz order)
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